2013年5月31日 星期五

Siraya National Scenic Area -- Attractions of South Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

The Siraya National Scenic Area is a major farm produce area. A large variety of fruits and other products grow year-round, making the Siraya National Scenic Area true to its name of "A Land of Abundance". In recent years, under governmental direction, the agricultural products of all counties and towns have been integrated, promoting local special products in each area, "one specialty for each village or town". Each of the 15 townships and villages in Siraya has its own special product, allowing them to promote significant tourism resources for the area.
This "Touring Siraya" website introduces the five major recreation systems in the area: the Guanziling Recreational System, the Cengwen Recreational System, the Wushantou Recreational System, the Zouzhen Recreational System and the Hutoupi Recreational System, each with their own tourist information and cultural specialties. The Siraya National Scenic Area's special tourism features are provided, along with information on accommodation, transportation, maps, etc.

source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)

taiwan travel / airport shuttle / taiwan limousine service / day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
QQ: 422672048
Taiwan: 0925-533-168

西拉雅國家風景區 -- 南台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車




資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局

Email: 422672048@qq.com
QQ: 422672048
台灣: 0925-533-168
國際: +886-925-533-168

2013年5月29日 星期三

Remains of Longteng Bridge in Sanyi -- Attractions of Central Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

There is an interesting story about the town of Longteng that is revealing of the superstitious beliefs that local people once held. When the first settlers started to cultivate land in the area, they believed that Liyu Lake, located nearby, was inhabited by a carp spirit which brought hardship to the people. In order to overcome this evil spirit they planted yuteng (a poisonous plant) in the Longteng Mountain area. At the same time they gave the mountain in the east the name Guandao Mountain (lit. Guan Sword Mountain) hoping that the Sword Mountain would cut the Yuteng Rattan. In this way, they hoped to poison the evil carp spirit. The ploy must have been effective, for people no longer believe that the evil carp spirit harms the people of Longteng. In the morning of April 24, 1935 a strong earthquake hit central Taiwan. lts epicenter was near Mt. Guandao, and many buildings in the Sanyi district were destroyed. A reminder of this earthquake remains in the ruins of the arched bridge over Long River. It can be seen from the railway line between Sanyi and Houli.
The ruins of Longteng Bridge join Chengxing (Shengxing) Station as one of the top-two visitor attractions on the Jiushan tour route. This historic span is notable attraction both for its simple beauty and as a memorial to the two major earthquakes that severed the bridge twice at the fifth northernmost pier, including damages caused by the 921 Earthquake in September 21, 1999.
source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)

taiwan travel / airport shuttle / taiwan limousine service / day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
QQ: 422672048
Taiwan: 0925-533-168

龍騰斷橋 -- 中台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車




資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局 


Email: 422672048@qq.com
QQ: 422672048
台灣: 0925-533-168
國際: +886-925-533-168

2013年5月28日 星期二

A New Era for iTaiwan! Foreign tourists can go online and roam for free in Taiwan -- Activities and Festivals of Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

Tourists can now connect to the internet all over Taiwan, free of charge. The Executive Yuan (Cabinet) and its subordinate agencies, together with local governments, have set up about 4,400 “iTaiwan” WiFi hotspots at major tourist spots, transportation hubs, cultural establishments, and government offices all over the island. The Taiwan Tourism Bureau and the Research, Development, and Evaluation Commission are working to provide the utmost convenience for foreign visitors and eliminate any communications problems they may encounter. This new service will considerably brighten Taiwan’s already shining image for quality travel services.

Tourists entering the island can apply for an iTaiwan account at a Taiwan Tourism Bureau service counter or any visitor center throughout the island. All they need is a passport; there is no charge. Once their account is opened, they can go online with their Internet-enabled smart phones, laptops, or tablet computers at any “iTaiwan” hotspot anywhere on Taiwan. All they have to do is select the “iTaiwan” SSID, and enter their account number and password. This gives them access to tourist information and allows them to contact their friends anywhere in the world.

In addition, iTaiwan has established roaming agreements with four local governments so that tourists who have set up iTaiwan accounts also have access to TPE-Free in Taipei City, New Taipei in the city of that name, iTaichung in Taichung, and Tainan-WiFi in Tainan.

taiwan travel / airport shuttle / taiwan limousine service / day tour

Email : 422672048@qq.com
QQ: 422672048
Taiwan: 0925-533-168
International: +886-925-533-168

iTaiwan(愛臺灣),讚! 國際觀光客網路漫遊Free啦!-- 台灣節慶活動 -- 台灣包車



要使用「iTaiwan」WiFi無線上網服務的觀光客,即日起,入境後,可以到觀光局服務櫃臺或全國各地旅服中心服務臺憑護照申請iTaiwan帳號。帳號開通後,只要在全臺iTaiwan無線上網熱點,使用支援WiFi的智慧型手機、筆電、平板電腦等行動工具,選擇WiFi網路名稱為「iTaiwan」之服務識別名稱,輸入帳號與密碼登入後,便能使用iTaiwan WiFi無線上網,查詢觀光旅遊資訊及與親朋好友賴(Line)在一起。

另外,「iTaiwan」亦與台北市「TPE-Free」及新北市「New Taipei」等4地方政府WiFi系統建立漫遊機制,觀光客申請開通「iTaiwan」帳號後,即可在「中央行政機關室內公共區域(iTaiwan)」、「臺北公眾區免費無線上網(TPE-Free)」、「新北市無線上網(New Taipei)」、臺中免費無線上網服務(iTaichung)」及「臺南市政府「Tainan-WiFi」等5訊號區域內進行無線漫遊。

為展現臺灣資通訊產業發展優勢,提升觀光服務品質,藉由行動通訊網路服務之提供,觀光局刻正與行政院研考會規劃擴大國外來臺旅客WiFi熱點可使用數量,提供更便利無線上網服務,建構更友善旅遊服務環境,提昇臺灣國際形象,以吸引更多觀光客來臺旅遊。 <交通部觀光局新聞稿>


Email: 422672048@qq.com
QQ: 422672048
台灣: 0925-533-168
國際: +886-925-533-168


2013年5月25日 星期六

Wulu Gorge and Wulu Hot Springs -- Attractions of East Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

Wulu Gorge is located between the South Cross-Island Highway and Lidao, and is a large S-shaped gorge cut by the Wulu River. It is about 4 kilometers in length. Due to the fact that the Guan Mountain (Guanshan) Mountain peak in the Central Mountain Range forms broken ridges at this point, and also due to the long-term erosion caused by the flow of the high mountain rivers, the Wulu Gorge is made up of steep precipices, resulting in a very majestic landscape.

In Wulu Gorge, the Tianlong Suspension Bridge crosses over the Wulu Stream. It is about 110 meters long and less than 1.5 meters wide. It connects the precipices on each side of the gorge. Looking down at the landscape from the suspension bridge, one can see the surging, rushing waters of the Wulu River, 80 meters below.

In addition to the gorge with its suspension bridge, another unique natural resource in this area is the Wulu Hot Springs. The spring water of the Wulu Hot Springs is of a low alkaline, carbonate, hydrogen-sodium quality. The water contains fluoride, and is crystal clear, colorless, and odorless, with a heat ranging from 70°C to 80°C. The most unique feature of the Wulu Hot Springs is that the water does not emit from underground, but gushes out from the narrow crevices in the mountain cliffs located in the Wulu Gorge.

source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)

taiwan travel / airport shuttle / taiwan limousine service / day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
QQ: 422672048
Taiwan: 0925-533-168

霧鹿峽谷(天龍吊橋) -- 東台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車

南橫公路利稻到霧鹿間(霧鹿約在20號省道 185公里處),新武呂溪切割造成約9公里的霧鹿峽谷,可說是南橫全線最精采之處。

資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局


Email: 422672048@qq.com
QQ: 422672048
台灣: 0925-533-168
國際: +886-925-533-168

2013年5月24日 星期五

2013 Taiwan Taitung International Balloon Fiesta -- Activities and Festivals of Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

Dates: 01/06/2013 ~ 11/08/2013

Venue: Luye Gaotai (taitung)

taiwan travel / airport shuttle / taiwan limousine service / day tour

Email : 422672048@qq.com
QQ: 422672048
Taiwan: 0925-533-168

2013台灣國際熱氣球嘉年華 -- 台灣節慶活動 -- 台灣包車

日期: 01/06/2013 ~ 11/08/2013

地點: 台東鹿野高台


今年邀請美國、義大利、澳洲、比利時、加拿大、法國、德國、立陶宛、波蘭、 斯洛維尼亞、泰國、印度等國家的熱氣 球飛行員進行熱氣球飛行表演,除了一般繫留體驗的熱氣球,更邀請許多不同的的可愛造型熱氣球,像是小朋友最喜歡的可愛動物企鵝(美國)、烏龜(比利時),生日時可以讓大家許願的祝福蛋糕(美國)以及熱門賣座電影「星際大戰」中的黑武士(比利時)都將在2013臺灣國際熱氣球嘉年華亮麗登場。

國際: +886-925-533-168