2013年7月30日 星期二

Sun Moon Lake Lalu Island -- Attractions of Central Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

Located in the center of Sun Moon Lake, Lalu Island was called Guanghua Island in the past. Sun Moon Lake is the most famous water reservoir in Taiwan. Lulu Island is known as the island on the water. This area was dwelled by the Shao tribe in the past and the island had been called Lalu until 1946, when the government renamed it Guanghua Island. In the severe earthquake in 1999, Sun Moon Lake reservoir was damaged and a historic site of the Shao tribe was discovered. Thus, in 2000, the island was renamed Lalu again. The Shao tribe considers the island a sacred place and thus tourists cannot visit the island; however, you can still learn about the Shao tribe along the tracks surrounding the lake.

Lalu Island is said to be a sacred place for the Shao tribe. Witch candidates of the tribe would have to come to the island to seek approval of the ancestors' spirits. The witches are in charge of incantation and rituals. The Japanese also left a stone monument, remembering the development of Sun Moon Lake during Japanese occupation.
source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)


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airport shuttle ~ taiwan limousine ~ day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
Taiwan: 0925 533 168
+886 925 533 168

日月潭拉魯島 -- 中台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車



資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局

機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送

機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

Email: 422672048@qq.com
台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月29日 星期一

Black-faced Spoonbill Reserve -- Attractions of Sotth Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

Watching Black-faced Spoonbill in the mouth of Cengwen River
Black-faced Spoonbill is one almost extinct bird in the world and protected by regulation. In 2003, Bird-Watching Association counts out almost one hundred Black-faced Spoonbills flying from the northeast area of Korea or Mainland China on every Oct. to stay in the mouth of Qigu Cengwen River for winter over. Because Black-faced Spoonbill is rarer than Panda and almost would fly to the mouth of Qigu Cengwen River, that's why Black-faced Spoonbill has become the most famous bird in Taiwan.
Black-faced Spoonbill would fly here on every Sep. and Oct. and leave on next Mar. to May, thus this period is the best to watch Black-faced Spoonbill in Qigu. Because Black-faced Spoonbill usually take rest in the daytime and forage at night, they would gather together without any action but play, bathe, or clean feathers for each other at 4:00 or 5:00 pm. If visitors are fortunate, they could watch Black-faced Spoonbill activities by telescope.

Actually, besides Black-faced Spoonbill, there are about two hundred kinds of birds ingathering in the mouth of Cengwen River, such as Gull, Snipe, Turtledove, Chinese bulbul. Generally, visitors could observe more migrant birds in winter.

source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)


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airport shuttle ~ taiwan limousine ~ day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
Taiwan: 0925 533 168
+886 925 533 168

黑面琵鷺生態展示館 -- 南台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車






資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局

機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送

機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

Email: 422672048@qq.com
台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月26日 星期五

Wufengqi Scenic Area -- Attractions of North Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

The Wufengqi Falls are one of the eight great scenic spots of the Lanyang Plains, belonging to Jiao River (Jioxi) Township in Yilan County. The Wufengqi Falls are named for the five sharp peaks which stand in a row behind the falls, that look like the five triangular banners that usually hang down the back of the war generals costume in Chinese Opera. Fog and mist drift gracefully around the mountaintop year-long, and torrents of mountain springs continuously flow down its slopes, forming the three layers of cascades that are now the Wufengqi Falls. There are three layers to the Falls, and they measure 100 meters from top to bottom. The entrance to the scenic viewpoint is situated near the bottom layer of the Falls, and there is also a barbecue area, and a play area for children to splash in the pools. A viewing pavilion is constructed at the mid-layer of the Falls; there is a vast expanse of vision at this point, and tourists may enjoy viewing the lush mountains, and the cascades shooting out from the precipices. The scene in the eight famous scenic views of Lanyang that is poetically named, mists draping the western peaks refers to the Wufengqi Falls. The Falls are situated in an enclosed valley, which enhances the mystic beauty of the peaks. At dawn, as the sky slowly begins to brighten, musical birdsong can be heard resonating throughout the valley; the unique tranquility in the atmosphere is indescribable.

The Ancient Horse Route: Starting from Jiao River (Jioxi) and going upwards along the foot of the Wufeongqi peaks, there is an ancient route, called the ncient Horse Route by the locals. Before the Taipei-Yilan Highway was constructed, this route was the only means of reaching Taipei from Jiao River (Jioxi). Now, orange and kumquat orchards dot both sides of the route, creating lush scenery and a rustic atmosphere.

source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)


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airport shuttle ~ taiwan limousine ~ day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
Taiwan: 0925 533 168
+886 925 533 168

五峰旗風景特定區 -- 北台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車


資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局

機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送

機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

Email: 422672048@qq.com
台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月24日 星期三

Qigu Lagoon -- Attractions of South Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

Neihaizau called by Qigu fishing men is actually Qigu Lagoon. The current lagoon landscape was formed because Zengwen River (Zengwun River) has changed its routs for four times. So far it is the biggest lagoon in Taiwan. This place has abundant ecological resources. Just for crabs, it has more than 30 kinds. Fish, shrimps, shellfishes are even more than 200kinds. They are how these 20,000 local people keep their means of livelihood. We can see the dishes of seafood and fresh oysters everywhere on the nearby street of Longshan village. People who love seafood should never miss it. Moreover, there is abundant bird scenery in lagoon area. You may also arrange of a ecological trip of bird-seeing, touring mangroves and watching crabs.
source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)


airport shuttle airport shuttle airport shuttle airport shuttle airport shuttle

airport shuttle ~ taiwan limousine ~ day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
Taiwan: 0925 533 168
+886 925 533 168

七股潟湖 -- 南台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車

資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局

機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送

機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

Email: 422672048@qq.com
台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月22日 星期一

BRAND'S Health Museum -- Attractions of Central Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)


airport shuttle airport shuttle airport shuttle airport shuttle airport shuttle

airport shuttle ~ taiwan limousine ~ day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
Taiwan: 0925 533 168
+886 925 533 168

白蘭氏健康博物館 -- 中台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車


大英皇室的健康祕方 白蘭氏雞精的源起

十九世紀時,以好吸收、好滋補的去油雞湯,讓英王喬治四世迅速恢復食慾與健康,御廚韓溫.白蘭先生(H.W. Brand)的雞湯名聲因此傳遍了整個英國上流社會。1835年,他自皇宮退休後,便創立自己的白蘭氏(Brand's)雞精品牌、店面和工廠,從此,白蘭氏雞精就廣受歡迎。


資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局

機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送

機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

Email: 422672048@qq.com
台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月21日 星期日

Robot Kitty -- Activities and Festivals of Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

Date: 12/07/2013 ~ 20/10/2013

Venue: Songshan Cultural and Creative Park Warehouse 2 & 3

Robot Kitty未來樂園 -- 台灣節慶活動 -- 台灣包車

日期: 12/07/2013 ~ 20/10/2013

地點: 松山文創園區2、3號倉庫

Robot Kitty動起來!與機械Kitty的真實互動!
台灣首次授權展出的超人氣「Robot Kitty未來樂園」來囉!

資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局 / Robot Kitty未來樂園
機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送

機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月18日 星期四

2013 New Taipei City Art Festival -- Activities and Festivals of Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

Dates: 20/07/2013 ~ 04/08/2013

Venue: New Taipei City
source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan) / 2013 New Taipei City Art Festival

2013藝起Summer ~ 新北市夏日藝術節 -- 台灣節慶活動 -- 台灣包車

日期: 20/07/2013 ~ 04/08/2013

地點: 新北市



資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局 / 2013藝起Summer
機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送

機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月16日 星期二

Formosa Fun Coast -- Attractions of North Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

This is the most comprehensive water park in northern Taiwan. One of its most popular rides is the "Sky Pool Slide," which is 18 meters high and 400 meters long--the longest in this part of Asia. On the trip down the slide you pass through five joined "sky pools" before you reach the bottom pool, providing an exciting ride indeed. There is also a wide variety of other rides and leisure facilities.
At present, Formosa Fun Coast is primarily divided into two areas, "Formosa Fun Coast" and "Green World." In Chinese, the name "Formosa Fun Coast" means: "lazy river." There are also slides with shooting jet streams, a wave pool and a water play area suitable for parents and children to enjoy together. And the beautiful view each day is a great complement to the already complete set of facilities.

The makers of Green World have carefully designed facilities based on several themes. In Reptile Hall there are over 40 different rare animals. Many are displayed in Taiwan only in this place. It is also possible to acquire an understanding of the mysteries of various plants and animals in the Pheasants Area and Herbs Area.
source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)
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airport shuttle ~ taiwan limousine ~ day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
Taiwan: 0925 533 168
+886 925 533 168

八仙海岸 -- 北台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車

八仙樂園位於八里區台15號公路旁,佔地近百公頃,園內主要分水上樂園及 歷險樂園兩部份,水上樂園騰空飛起的噴射滑道,驚奇刺激的快速滑道、世界 最長的天池之旅、桂林山水的游泳池。歷險樂園最刺激的八仙飛艇,令人天旋地轉的神仙飛碟,加速離心力的飛天魔椅...等,各式各樣遊樂設施讓人大呼過穩;水上樂園有那天池之旅、漂河、歡樂加勒比、各式流水滑道、戲水池、噴射滑道、情境滑道、造波池等。此外,海濱公園山巒巨石奇,景海景游泳池、山水景色相互輝映。室內休閒設施,如射擊、射箭、水槍、打棒球等及廣大的戶外展示場,提供現代人多元化的遊樂設備。

資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局

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機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

Email: 422672048@qq.com
台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月14日 星期日

Dong Mountain (Dongshan) River Water Park -- Attractions of North Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

The Dong Mountain (Dongshan) River is only 24 kilometers long, but it is the fifth-longest stream in Yilan. A multi-purpose riverside recreation area has been planned along its course to provide for sports, leisure, and recreation activities divided into upstream, midstream, and downstream sections, each of which exhibits a different recreational character into what, it is hoped, will make the river into an outdoor water park. The most important recreational site on the river is the Dong Mountain (Dongshan) River Water Park, which has been designed to rebuild the natural relationship between man and water. This park simulates the natural landscapes and incorporates elements of the native culture of Lanyang--for example, there is a water stage, five conical stone towers built of pebbles, and Turtle Island, which rises from the sea off the Yilan coast, bring the landmark of Lanyang into the park, seemingly without thought. The banks of the Dong Mountain (Dongshan) River are claimed by legend to be protected by a green dragon and a yellow dragon, and for this reason undulations and curves are built of pebbles along the river's banks to simulate dragons' scales, with pottery tile inlays of green and blue, and orange and yellow, adding to the characters of the two different types of dragon. Interesting mosaic pictures--masterpieces executed by the children of Lanyang--embellish the dragon-skin steps.

Today, the annual Dragon Boat races, international scholastic rowing championships, and international toy festival are all held in the Dong Mountain (Dongshan) River Park. For the Qixi Chinese Lovers' Day, and magpie bridge (by which, according to Chinese traditional, two legendary lovers are allowed to meet once a year) is built to add to the park's romantic atmosphere. Over the past few years, the Dong Mountain (Dongshan) River Water Park has become one of the hottest tourist destinations in Taiwan.

The Dong Mountain (Dongshan) River attracts large numbers of visitors to its famous scenery. Qinshui Park, located along the banks of the river, is especially popular for its outdoor stage shows, shallow pools where visitors can wade in the water, and deeper areas where they can row boats. Green and yellow ceramic dragons guard the riverbank, which is lined by colorful tile mosaics made by schoolchildren. If you go there in the summer, don't forget to take along your swimming gear and enjoy the swimming pool.
source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)
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airport shuttle ~ taiwan limousine ~ day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
Taiwan: 0925 533 168
+886 925 533 168

冬山河親水公園 -- 北台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車



資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局

機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送

機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

Email: 422672048@qq.com
台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月12日 星期五

Yeliu (Yeliou) Ocean World -- Attractions of North Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

The Yeliu (Yeliou) Ocean World is the first ocean world in Taiwan; you can see different marine animal or oceanic species and many different shows such as dolphin show or sea lion show, except the shows, the springboard diving and the ocean tunnel takes you to a trip to enjoy the amazing ocean world and to see how those special creation lives under the world. You can totally enjoy your time and have an unforgettable oceanic experience in this great ocean world.
Ocean World is located along the beautiful North Coast near Yeliu (Yeliou), a scenic area with abundant natural resources. There is a plan for a performance auditorium with a capacity of over 3,000. There are startling, high-jumping water presentations held at irregular intervals, cute and smart dolphins, mischievous sea lions and other spectacular performances!
And in the Sea Animal Exhibition Hall, there are the original forms of many sea ecological environments. The Sea Animal Museum also stores samples of many precious sea animals and employs simple language to explain to everyone basic information about the sea.
source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)
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airport shuttle ~ taiwan limousine ~ day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
Taiwan: 0925 533 168
+886 925 533 168

野柳海洋世界 -- 北台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車


資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局

機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送

機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

Email: 422672048@qq.com
台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月11日 星期四

Guan Mountain (Guanshan) Water Park -- Attractions of East Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

Guan Mountain (Guanshan) is a green mountain famous for its beautiful scenery. Guan Mountain (Guanshan) Township is not only surrounded by mountains but also a river on the east. Ever since the Qing Dynasty, Guan Mountain (Guanshan) has been the administrative city for the East Rift Valley. In recent years, Guan Mountain (Guanshan) is famous for its cycling tracks. In 1999, Guan Mountain (Guanshan) won the first place in an image contest of resort cities.

Cycling around Guan Mountain (Guanshan) Township, you will see tranquil rice paddies. At the end of the cycling track is a river park next to the mountain. There is even an over-water track leading cyclists back to the start. Guan Mountain (Guanshan) is also famous for its high quality rice and sweet oranges.

source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)
airport shuttle airport shuttle airport shuttle airport shuttle airport shuttle

airport shuttle ~ taiwan limousine ~ day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
Taiwan: 0925 533 168
+886 925 533 168

關山親水公園 (關山環鎮自行車道) -- 東台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車


資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局

機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送

機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

Email: 422672048@qq.com
台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月8日 星期一

2013 Tainan Masago Music Festival -- Activities and Festivals of Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

Date: 12/07/2013 ~ 13/07/2013

Venue: Mashagou Coastal Recreation Area

2013台南馬沙溝音樂節 -- 台灣節慶活動 -- 台灣包車

日期: 12/07/2013 ~ 13/07/2013

地點: 馬沙溝濱海遊憩區


資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局 / 2013台南馬沙溝音樂節
機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送

機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月6日 星期六

Manyueyuan National Forest Recreation Area -- Attractions of North Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

Manyueyuan Park is famous for its waterfalls. The special geography has helped for spectacular waterfalls in the park. The hills and mountains are of different heights, altitude ranging from 300 to 1700 meters. Flora and fauna in the park are diversified and there are abundant birds here. In addition, along the Ruizai River, there are groups of butterflies. Hikers can enjoy the forests, watch the birds, and appreciate the waterfalls in the park.
Manyueyuan Park has abundant cryptomeria trees, which was introduced from Japan in 1896. It is reported that the trees are good for health, especially for respiratory tract. There is a tour track as long as 1,210 meters, along which visitors can appreciate the maple leaves and beautiful birds. There are 16 guide boards, explaining the natural environment in Manyueyuan Park.

source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)

airport shuttle airport shuttle airport shuttle airport shuttle airport shuttle

airport shuttle ~ taiwan limousine ~ day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
Taiwan: 0925 533 168
+886 925 533 168

滿月圓國家森林遊樂區 -- 北台灣旅遊景點 -- 台灣包車



資料來源: 台灣交通部觀光局

機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送  機場接送

機場接送 ~ 台灣包車 ~ 一日遊 行程安排

Email: 422672048@qq.com
台灣: 0925 533 168
國際: +886 925 533 168

2013年7月5日 星期五

Yanliao Beach Park -- Attractions of North Taiwan -- Taiwan limousine service

Yanliao is located in Gongliao (Gungliao) Township, New Taipei City. It has beautiful beach and traditional fishing village. In Guangxu year 21 (1895), the Japanese army entered Taiwan from Yanliao and began their 51 years of occupation. The Japanese set up a monument here to remember their victory and the monument was rebuilt after World War II. The beach here is not steep and the waves are gentle; thus, sand sculpture is famous on Yanliao Beach. The most famous commercial seafood here is clams. In addition, along the tour track, visitors can enjoy the natural beach plants.
The monumental on the beach was set up by the Japanese. After World War II, it became the monument in memory of Taiwanese resistance against the Japanese. Now, Yanliao Bathing Beach is frequented by surfers, swimmers, divers and sea lovers. There are scenery balcony, tour tracks, public restrooms, parking spaces, shower rooms, and simple food courts. It will connect with Fulong Bathing Beach so as to provide a more complete tourist service in the future.
Yanliao Beach Park, at 80 hectares, is the largest recreational area on the Northeast Coast and has the most extensive facilities as well. Its golden-sand beach stretches 3 kilometers all the way to Fulong, making it the longest in Taiwan. This is the ideal spot for a diverse range of seaside activities including swimming, fishing, sand sculpture, and beach volleyball. When the Japanese began their 50-year occupation of Taiwan in 1895, Yanliao was where they landed. A monument near the beach commemorates those brave souls who sacrificed their lives resisting the occupation. In the future, Yanliao will be linked with Fulong into a complete recreational system including lookout platforms, walkways, and bicycle paths so that visitor can have a wide range of leisure options in addition to swimming.
source: Tourism Bureau, Rep. of China(Taiwan)

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airport shuttle ~ taiwan limousine ~ day tour

Email: 422672048@qq.com
Taiwan: 0925 533 168
+886 925 533 168